I have exciting news to share! My interview with Pat Sloan for her American Patchwork & Quilting Podcast airs today. She was so warm and welcoming and we had a fun chat about quilting and photography. I hope you go have a listen! If you just found my blog after listening, welcome! I’m so glad you came to check out my work. Here are a few photos you’ll run into while checking out my blog…
A lot of you may not know, but I’m a VERY quiet person and hate being the center of attention in any way. In fact, I almost didn’t agree to do the interview. But I’m so glad I pushed through my fears and put myself out there to get to know people in our awesome quilting community. However, after the interview was over, there were several things I wish I had said differently or shared more eloquently (I’m guessing we all feel that way some times). So I thought I would use this post to expand on a few things we chatted about, add in some fun photography stuff, and hopefully give you all a chance to get to know me a little better.
First, I thought it would be fun to show you my dad’s art. He has been pursuing getting his art published since I was a kid and has always been such a good example of following your artistic dreams.
As you can see, his work is very different from my quilting, but I think it allowed me to see making art as an option in life. It is something I want my daughter to notice as well as she watches me create. Since no one else in my family sews or quilts, I’ve made it a goal of mine to be that person who creates quilts for everyone. I hope that they will become heirlooms and special pieces that can be passed on in our family.
Also, I’ve never really shared much about my past as a professional photographer before, but I thought it might be fun to show a few of my photos from the eight years I spent photographing weddings.
Over those years I shot more than 200,000 photos. I think it’s important when you’re starting out with quilting or with photography, not to compare yourself to others. Everyone is at different places in their journey. For fun (and a little embarrassment on my part), I’ll show you a few photos from my first wedding vs my last. (This is not any commentary on the awesome people in the photos, just my photography skills (or lack thereof)).
On the left is a bridal portrait and on the right is a shot of some flowers. The photos from my first wedding are the ones I put in my portfolio on myspace (lol) at the time…so they were the best I took that day. Yep.
What’s interesting to me when reflecting on this is the bridal portrait from my last wedding is not one of my best, even though it is WAY better than my first bridal portrait. I love that even when you are feeling like you really understand a subject (like photography or quilting!) there is always room for growth. That is so exciting!!!
I am excited to see how I grow as a quilt photographer from my first quilt photo to my last (in about 100 years! ;-)). I have been working on a basic quilt photography how-to series for a while now, and I just need to put the finishing touches on it. In the series, I will show you simple ways to improve your photos with whatever camera you have. If you follow my blog, I promise you’ll be the first to know when it comes out later this year!
Thanks for taking the time to learn a little bit more about me and my photography!
Congratulations on the interview, Michelle! I think I’d be hesitant to do something like that too, but pushing through our fears can often lead to wonderful things 🙂 Photography is not at all my strong suit, so I’m really looking forward to your series – I’m sure I’ll learn a lot! I enjoyed the pictures of your dad’s art too, especially the machine-fish – he’s really cool!