I am still adjusting to my new life out in the country. I really don’t get cell service. I drive 45 minutes away once a week for groceries. The most exciting thing that happened today is that I saw two coyotes. It is weird that this is my life. But I’m loving it for the most part.
I do a majority of my fabric shopping online, so it was a treat to go the closest “big” city (over an hour away) last month in search of fabric. At the end of my shopping day, I wandered into a weird building full of craft supplies. I wasn’t expecting to find any good fabric in there, but to my surprise as I browsed the aisles, I started seeing designers I know…
Mainly they had a bunch of older Bonnie and Camille fabrics that I was super excited to see. I picked up two that I have loved for a while. Then I looked over on the clearance rack and Happy Go Lucky was half off! My guess is no one thinks to go there for fabric and so they don’t sell much. I helped them out a bit.
(from left)
Happy Go Lucky 55065 White aqua
Marmalade 55054 Raspberry
Vintage Modern 55042 Sky
Happy Go Lucky 55061 Aqua
Then, while I was checking out, they had big stacks of yardage for the lowest prices I’ve ever seen for fabric. This place is dangerous. I really stayed strong and only picked these two out for future backings.
(from left)
Gypsy Vine in Olive by Laura Gunn
Country Floral (White) by Dear Stella (for my EPP quilt!)
It was great to finally get to support my LQS and other local businesses and get some time back in civilization. I think I’ll plan on doing that once every few months. I’ll share more of my purchases next week! There may be some gold sparkle involved.
Linking up with Sunday Stash, this week hosted by the amazing Sarah from Sarah Quilts! Definitely go check out her stash shame (aka abundant fabric awesomeness) this week 🙂
Nice ones!! You know I’m always a sucker for a got dot & stripe! Really pretty backings too.
I bet you could make some money reselling old Bonnie & Camille at the destash.
Haha, I definitely had the thought of “I wonder if anyone is looking for these fabrics?” but I don’t know enough to know what is rare. I want to go back and look more thoroughly, there could be many more treasures in there!
I love that hounds tooth print!
Thanks! Me too, it’s my favorite purchase from this trip!
Those are some beautiful fabrics! Great find!
Thanks so much Leanne! I was shocked when I saw some of the stuff they had.
You are so helpful, that shop would really have appreciated you taking that fabric off their hands – here in NZ we can often find DS Quilts prints at a really good price at Spotlight, Denyse Schmidt hasn’t really acquired the cult following she has in the States, I do my bit to help her out.
Haha, yes, I pride myself in helping fabric stores out 🙂 I love that there are little pockets of the world out there with fabric goodness just waiting to be found! I’m glad you do your part to help Denyse out 🙂
Yum-m-m-my! Yes, it is good to get off of the farm…. Or in your case, the mountaintop. You done good, girl!
Haha, thanks Lorna! It definitely did me some good to see some new scenery! 🙂
I do love Laura Gunn. I feel like I should get some of her larger florals and stretch them over canvas. Looks like some fun shopping!
I didn’t think I had heard of her, then last night when I was labeling some stuff, I came across several prints from her. So I guess I like her stuff quite a bit! 🙂 Stretching the larger florals over canvas would look amazing!! That would be a really fun DIY project.
Some lovely new acquisitions there! I love when you find fabrics that are so hard to find online anymore but somehow have managed to sit untouched in a small local shop!
I know! It feels like you’ve discovered buried treasure or something. I swear, I was looking around at everyone and wondering if they knew all the treasure that was surrounding them 🙂
Very pretty acquisitions! I especially like the Bonnie & Camille floral print in the first photo. I think that print could inspire a very pretty palette!
Thanks for stopping by Erica! I love that floral print as well. Bonnie and Camille always have such great florals. My bank account can confirm that 🙂
Ooh, what lovelies! That Laura Gunn is yum. I used one of her prints for backing awhile back, and it really is superb. And yes, that LQS does sound dangerous! 🙂
I’m not usually an olive green person, but that fabric just spoke to me 🙂 I have a feeling it will be perfect for something and I’ll know it when I see it. I’m already scheming on ways to go back to that LQS. I just know I missed something good!
Sounds like a fantastic trip! Too bad I live too far away (no idea where you are, but the closest “mountains” to me are still about 600 km, and are the Appalacians, not the Rockies) to visit that shop.
Yah, I think you are on the opposite side of the country. I’m in the Cascade Mountain range on the West Coast. If you are ever in the area though, we will have to go on a shopping trip 🙂
I can imagine how delightful your visit to the fabric/craft shops was! Most of my fabric is online mail order with a two -three week wait for it to land here in Australia. Being able to shop in person to see and feel the fabrics and colours is amazing – not to mention bumping into discounts too!